Thank you to those of you right on top of my error in the date. Tomorrow is January 30th and we will still be out of school due to extreme temperatures:)
almost 6 years ago, Mike Sutton
Due to the extreme temperatures expected tomorrow morning, school will not be in session on Wednesday, January 29, 2019. We fully expect classes to resume on Thursday. Thank you.
almost 6 years ago, Mike Sutton
There seems to be some confusion about dismissal. Highland CUSD No. 5 is on regular schedule and will not be dismissing early. We are hopeful that all buses stay on normal schedule. If there are delays, we will be communicating appropriately.
about 6 years ago, Mike Sutton
If you recently received an email from MSB with a false student name stating "on behalf of Highland Power school Test" please disregard - MSB is testing and inadvertently sent those out - they will be issuing another statement sometime today. Please excuse the inconvenience.
about 6 years ago, Mike Sutton
The Santa Band plays carols for HP, HE, and HMS.
about 6 years ago, Mike Sutton
The Santa Band plays for students.
Highland Alumni Association donates $500 towards the coding class at Highland High School. Pictured is Sherry Fletçher, secretary of Highland Alumni Association, presenting the check.
about 6 years ago, Mike Sutton
Sherry Fletcher presents check for $500 to Mike Sutton
Please pass the word. I hope everyone sees, hears, or watches the tv news. Sorry for the inconvenience. We hope to rectify the problem soon!
about 6 years ago, Mike Sutton
Hello again Highland CUSD No. 5, It has come to my attention that the new messaging system is not making phone calls, texts, or emails. This means the message about the school closing tomorrow is only reaching those of you with the district app, twitter and/or Facebook.
about 6 years ago, Mike Sutton
Good evening, it is very uncommon to cancel school based on a forecast, but due to the timing and accumulation predictions, I have decided to cancel school for tomorrow, Thursday, November 15th. Please be safe and enjoy the day! Thank you.
about 6 years ago, Mike Sutton
In preparation for inclement weather, this is a TEST notification! If and when school is cancelled, a message would be sent via this method. It should also be located on the district website through the live feed. Thank you!
about 6 years ago, Mike Sutton
Our monthly incident command meeting with local Fire, EMS, and law enforcement to discuss safety and security of our schools. Great collaboration ensures safety of our students and staff.
about 6 years ago, Mike Sutton
Incident Command Team monthly safety meeting
Use the QR code to download the new Highland CUSD 5 app to stay in touch with school events.
about 6 years ago, Matt Fredericksen
QR Code to download app
Local superintendents meet with legislators to share thoughts and concerns on education issues. Pictured are Senator Paul Schrimpf and Representative Katie Stuart.
over 6 years ago, Mike Sutton
Superintendents meet with legislators
HHS at 6 a.m. on Friday morning! Pep assembly for the Bulldogs to go 9-0 against Charleston tonight. Good luck Bulldogs!
over 6 years ago, Mike Sutton
HHS at 6 a.m. on Friday!
Wonderful Saturday morning working with many stakeholders to develop a strategic plan.
over 6 years ago, Mike Sutton
Strategic Planning
Just posted the Football Cheerleading Coach position. If interested apply online.
over 6 years ago, Dena Henricks
Hello HCUSD No. 5!
over 6 years ago, Mike Sutton
Welcome to Highland Community Schools Serving the Communities of Highland, Alhambra, Grantfork, New Douglas, and Pierron.
over 6 years ago, Veronica Winans